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System Parameters


Default: None

The base URL path to use when accessing NetBox. Do not include the scheme or domain name. For example, if installed at, set:

BASE_PATH = 'netbox/'


Default: en-us (US English)

Defines the default preferred language/locale for requests that do not specify one. This is used to alter e.g. the display of dates and numbers to fit the user's locale. See this list of standard language codes. (This parameter maps to Django's LANGUAGE_CODE internal setting.)


Altering this parameter will not change the language used in NetBox. We hope to provide translation support in a future NetBox release.


Default: $INSTALL_ROOT/docs/

The filesystem path to NetBox's documentation. This is used when presenting context-sensitive documentation in the web UI. By default, this will be the docs/ directory within the root NetBox installation path. (Set this to None to disable the embedded documentation.)


In order to send email, NetBox needs an email server configured. The following items can be defined within the EMAIL configuration parameter:

  • SERVER - Hostname or IP address of the email server (use localhost if running locally)
  • PORT - TCP port to use for the connection (default: 25)
  • USERNAME - Username with which to authenticate
  • PASSWORD - Password with which to authenticate
  • USE_SSL - Use SSL when connecting to the server (default: False)
  • USE_TLS - Use TLS when connecting to the server (default: False)
  • SSL_CERTFILE - Path to the PEM-formatted SSL certificate file (optional)
  • SSL_KEYFILE - Path to the PEM-formatted SSL private key file (optional)
  • TIMEOUT - Amount of time to wait for a connection, in seconds (default: 10)
  • FROM_EMAIL - Sender address for emails sent by NetBox


The USE_SSL and USE_TLS parameters are mutually exclusive.

Email is sent from NetBox only for critical events or if configured for logging. If you would like to test the email server configuration, Django provides a convenient send_mail() function accessible within the NetBox shell:

# python ./ nbshell
>>> from django.core.mail import send_mail
>>> send_mail(
  'Test Email Subject',
  'Test Email Body',
  '[email protected]',
  ['[email protected]'],


Default: False

Determines if localization features are enabled or not. This should only be enabled for development or testing purposes as netbox is not yet fully localized. Turning this on will localize numeric and date formats (overriding what is set for DATE_FORMAT) based on the browser locale as well as translate certain strings from third party modules.


Default: None

A dictionary of HTTP proxies to use for outbound requests originating from NetBox (e.g. when sending webhook requests). Proxies should be specified by schema (HTTP and HTTPS) as per the Python requests library documentation. For example:

    'http': '',
    'https': '',


Default: ('', '::1')

A list of IP addresses recognized as internal to the system, used to control the display of debugging output. For example, the debugging toolbar will be viewable only when a client is accessing NetBox from one of the listed IP addresses (and DEBUG is true).


Default: {}

A dictionary of custom jinja2 filters with the key being the filter name and the value being a callable. For more information see the Jinja2 documentation. For example:

def uppercase(x):
    return str(x).upper()

    'uppercase': uppercase,


By default, all messages of INFO severity or higher will be logged to the console. Additionally, if DEBUG is False and email access has been configured, ERROR and CRITICAL messages will be emailed to the users defined in ADMINS.

The Django framework on which NetBox runs allows for the customization of logging format and destination. Please consult the Django logging documentation for more information on configuring this setting. Below is an example which will write all INFO and higher messages to a local file:

    'version': 1,
    'disable_existing_loggers': False,
    'handlers': {
        'file': {
            'level': 'INFO',
            'class': 'logging.FileHandler',
            'filename': '/var/log/netbox.log',
    'loggers': {
        'django': {
            'handlers': ['file'],
            'level': 'INFO',

Available Loggers

  • netbox.<app>.<model> - Generic form for model-specific log messages
  • netbox.auth.* - Authentication events
  • netbox.api.views.* - Views which handle business logic for the REST API
  • netbox.reports.* - Report execution (
  • netbox.scripts.* - Custom script execution (
  • netbox.views.* - Views which handle business logic for the web UI


Default: $INSTALL_ROOT/netbox/media/

The file path to the location where media files (such as image attachments) are stored. By default, this is the netbox/media/ directory within the base NetBox installation path.


Default: $INSTALL_ROOT/netbox/reports/

The file path to the location where custom reports will be kept. By default, this is the netbox/reports/ directory within the base NetBox installation path.


Default: $INSTALL_ROOT/netbox/scripts/

The file path to the location where custom scripts will be kept. By default, this is the netbox/scripts/ directory within the base NetBox installation path.


Default: ''

The dotted path to the desired search backend class. CachedValueSearchBackend is currently the only search backend provided in NetBox, however this setting can be used to enable a custom backend.


Default: None (local storage)

The backend storage engine for handling uploaded files (e.g. image attachments). NetBox supports integration with the django-storages package, which provides backends for several popular file storage services. If not configured, local filesystem storage will be used.

The configuration parameters for the specified storage backend are defined under the STORAGE_CONFIG setting.


Default: Empty

A dictionary of configuration parameters for the storage backend configured as STORAGE_BACKEND. The specific parameters to be used here are specific to each backend; see the django-storages documentation for more detail.

If STORAGE_BACKEND is not defined, this setting will be ignored.